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Friday 30 March 2012

Six Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

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Reducing cholesterol levels is achievable for many people through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. Following below mentioned procedures in your life will have a positive impact on cholesterol level and will gradually reduce it.

Reducing cholesterol levels is achievable for many people through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. The American Heart Association recommends a combination of healthy meal choices and adequate physical activity as a first step in lowering the harmful LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and raise beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. In addition, avoid cigarette smoke, drink only in moderation if at all, and maintain a healthy weight can lead to significant changes in total cholesterol levels.

To reduce you will need to include following items in your diet.

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Lean meat.
  • Fish and poultry.
  • Whole grains.
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy.

Following below mentioned procedures in your life will have a positive impact on cholesterol level and will gradually reduce it.

Six ways to Reduce Cholesterol Levels

  1. All foods from animals contain saturated fats and tend to be higher in cholesterol. Limit red meat as much as possible, favoring leaner protein sources like chicken, fish and legumes. Eliminate trans-fats entirely. Trans-fats are created when oil is hydrogenised, and it raises LDL cholesterol. Trans-fatty acids found in baked and fried foods, and peanut butter and other processed foods.
  2. Increase omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids increase HDL cholesterol, which lowers harmful LDL, when eaten as part of a low-fat diet. Good sources of omega-3s in salmon, tuna, sardines, nuts, seeds and beans. Fish oil and flaxseed oil supplements are another good source of omega-3s.
  3. Consume foods that increase HDL cholesterol. Mayo Clinic reports that foods enriched with plant sterols such as beta-sitosterol and sitostanol, can have a positive effect on cholesterol. Similarly, foods rich in niacin, a B-vitamins, increases HDL cholesterol levels up to 35 percent. Good sources are lean meat, chicken and fish, low fat or fat-free dairy products and fortified breads and cereals.
  4. Increase foods that lower LDL cholesterol. Foods containing soluble fiber have many health benefits including its ability to reduce the amount of dietary cholesterol is absorbed by the intestine. Good sources are whole grains, fruits and vegetables and nuts.
  5. Be active. Aerobic exercise can increase HDL cholesterol 5 percent. As training reduces the weight, your HDL level will increase even more. Mayo Clinic recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days per week. Walking, swimming or even gardening count, as long as the activity increases the heart rate.
  6. Increase your intake antioxidant. Antioxidants are vitamins and other photochemical that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. Fruits and vegetables have high levels of antioxidants and is considered necessary to maintain heart health, lowers blood pressure and reduce LDL cholesterol. 
The American Heart Association recommends five servings per day each of fruits and vegetables. Mayo Clinic suggests that pomegranate juice is much higher in antioxidants than other fruit juices and can play a role in lowering LDL cholesterol.

Tips and Warnings

Make changes gradually so that they are comfortable and become a normal part of everyday life. A gentle transition to a healthier lifestyle increases the chances of success. ? Be sure to drink plenty of water when adding fiber to your diet and increase fiber consumption gradually to avoid constipation.

Always check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, making significant changes in diet or taking supplements.

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