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Monday 10 June 2013

6 Plants that Repels Mosquitoes

by Zainulth Tag

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Insects are both necessary and dangerous to plants. To avoid damaging action of insecticides we can resort to natural methods like planting repellent plants to repel mosquitoes and insects. In this group fall almost all plants with blue flowers and herbs such as rosemary or basil.

However, aromatic and volatile chemicals in such plants also attract beneficial insects that keep pests out of their leaves, flowers and roots.

1. Catmint (Nepeta cataria)

It is a perennial species for some gardeners; the grass has 10 times more effective than DEET to keep mosquitoes away. This plant tends to spread and climb through the house, it is advisable to have it hanging in a boat and constantly be cutting its branches.

2. Marigold (Tagetes spp)
This sun lover also repels mosquitoes and is an excellent companion plant for your garden. We advise you not rub this plant with any part of your body.

3. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
This shrub oil is heavenly for most humans, but unpleasant to insects. It is an attractive plant in gardens and require little water and is also delicious when used for cooking meats, soups and egg dishes.

4. Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus)
This plant has a lemon scent that insects hate and with a little patience you can grow from stems that are sold in the market. Please note that this plant is tropical so it does not tolerate cold temperatures.

5. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
This perennial has silvery foliage and can be grown in full sun. The acrid smell keeps mosquitoes at bay.

6. Mint (Mentha spp)
The oil of this plant is unpleasant for insects; it is good to place a couple of these plants in the garden or the edge of the window in order to keep away mosquitoes.

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